Posed the question: Have you ever had a nickname? Do you have one now? Here are the responses...
- Deedubau, Dw
- Lea, L, LL
- As a child my nickname was Peach Pit. No nickname now, however some find Gina too long so they call me G
- Swede, Svedka
- Dr. Shock
- My poker nickname is Batman
- LB - 25 years ago
- Fesh (used by all my friends and family)
- Fish
- Matty (something my fiance and mom use)
- Gonzo
- I don't have a nickname per se, lots of people call me bitch, slut, tramp, but I consider them terms of endearment.
- Tomster is what my close friends call me
- Some buddies used to call me thug, when I lived the thugish lifestyle.
- I have several! Gina Bean, Reheenie, Heenie, Peanut, Regizzle, Regi
- My nicknames have ranged from Lizzie, Zeezee, Zaza, Li (said as 'lie') and Hey You!
- Watty!
- Jelly
- B
- Ari Nae is my nickname... last three letters of my first and middle name
- Jones, Roo, Perrier Rain Water
I myself can't say I've had any nicknames in the past... not ones I'd mention anyway... recently I have been called just plain 'Silly'
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